JUST OUT: Pharmaceutical Sector Reputation Report 2024 – download here

Game-changing reputation insights for B2B enterprises

Build a stronger corporate reputation and avoid unforeseen risks by listening to your stakeholders on an ongoing basis.

B2B reputation challenges

B2B Enterprises can be subjected to various reputational risks, which can be detected through ongoing monitoring of stakeholder perceptions.

Unethical supplier behaviour

Bad publicity

Environmental concerns

Supply chain interruptions

In today’s competitive environment, companies can’t afford to damage their corporate brand while battling reputational crises on a global scale.

Listen to your stakeholders and build trust

Tackle risks and inform your business strategies based on insights from relevant stakeholders.

Measure reputation over time

Identify common perceptions among customers, employees, investors, talent, opinion leaders and other relevant stakeholders to understand how to drive desired stakeholder behaviors.

Monitor all sources of risks

Pay attention, not only to your own corporate reputation, but also that of your competitors, suppliers, or even customers – as they can affect your reputation as well.

Benchmark against competitors

Understand how your brand is perceived in a competitive context to determine what actions to take and how to build advocacy and preference among stakeholders in your sector.

Take proactive measures

Just one rogue tweet can bring down even the best brands. Prevent a crisis from escalating by using a proactive reputation management approach and rescue your company’s reputation before it's irreparably damaged.

Chemical industry Reputation Report

Learn more about a vital industry that is unknown and perceived as irrelevant by some. Get your e-Book now!

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