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About Vattenfall

Vattenfall is a leading European energy company that for more than 100 years has electrified industries, supplied energy to people’s homes, and modernized our way of living through innovation and cooperation. 

Vattenfall wants to make fossil-free living possible within one generation through growth in renewable production and climate smart energy solutions for their customers.


Start date: Feb 2020
Geographic coverage: European
Weekly sample: High

Vattenfall’s challenges and goals

Vattenfall has been leading the green transformation of the energy sector in recent years and has always been focused on stakeholder perceptions.

In the past, it measured its reputation on a quarterly basis, and in December 2019 the company decided to look for a new approach that is more streamlined and actionable, allowing the company to use the data to inform ongoing communication activities. 

The company was especially interested in these areas:

Ongoing analysis of impact of events and activities

To analyze the impact of news, campaigns, and PR activities on the company’s reputation on an ongoing basis, and in a more efficient way.

Actionable measurement setup

To have the ability to identify and react to fast-paced changes in the company perceptions, and the energy sector at large, in a more agile fashion.

Understanding the impact of Vattenfall’s stated purpose

To align Vattenfall’s reputation-building journey with the company’s purpose to lead the green transformation of the energy sector.

Our solution

Smart use of data to assist reputation management

Caliber’s Real-Time Tracker was set up in a way that allows Vattenfall to better monitor its corporate reputation and brand in relevant way across key markets.

In addition, real-time insights help inform the company’s communications and ultimately improve results. For example, Vattenfall has used real-time reputation data from Real-Time Tracker to better understand and mitigate a reputational crisis in one of its markets around the construction of a new biomass power plant.

Ad-hoc quick polls and automated reporting

Our platform enables Vattenfall to assess activity effectiveness and rapidly adjust its communications accordingly, for example when it came to maximizing the reputational impact of the company’s participation in President Biden’s Leaders Summit on Climate.

Reputation reports in the company’s own visual identity, and the option to view and export any desired data along geographic, demographic, behavioral and other criteria, helped Vattenfall exceed its corporate reputation KPI goals in 2020 - for the first time ever.

Customized brand and reputation dashboard

Caliber incorporated customized metrics in the reputation research model and enabled multiple internal stakeholders across Vattenfall’s operations to directly access data on the resonance of the company’s purpose, as well as its reputation benchmarked against its competitors worldwide.

Learn how Vattenfall has elevated their business with Caliber

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