JUST OUT: Pharmaceutical Sector Reputation Report 2024 – download here

Reputation monitoring has never been easier

See how your company is perceived by stakeholders anywhere in the world in real time through a simple and user-friendly reputation monitoring dashboard

Multi-stakeholder perception tracker

Start winning the trust of your employees, customers, investors, opinion leaders and other stakeholders by harnessing the power of reputation data today.


Outdated data can harm your business. Caliber’s real-time tracker helps you speed up reaction time and reduce risks.


Users can access Caliber’s dashboard anywhere, anytime, on any device.


Take advantage of a proactive, consistent and scalable approach to stakeholder management.

What are the main benefits of using Caliber?

Automated daily interviews with relevant stakeholders

Unlike other reputation monitoring solutions, Caliber allows you to follow developments in real time, which leads to greater efficiency and more timely actions.

End-to-end solution for reputation monitoring

Discover relevant stakeholder insights through Caliber’s ready-made setup of respondent panels, our brand & reputation research model and our industry expertise.

Competitor and industry tracking and benchmarking

Compare your performance to your industry and chosen competitors to identify trends, assess your position and adjust your communication activities accordingly.

ESG perception tracking

Monitor and analyze how your company or organization is perceived by stakeholders in relation to its environmental, social, and governance practices.  Identify areas for improvement and to communicate a company’s progress to stakeholders.

Reputation monitoring dashboard with detailed segmentation

Split your results by demographic and professional segments – standard or customized – to determine market opportunities and coordinate communication efforts across relevant stakeholder groups.

Fully customizable, flexible and modular

Chose and adjust your combination of markets, stakeholder groups, sample sizes and benchmarks to track the results that matter the most. Access the data through the Caliber platform or your own BI tools using our open API.

Agile reputation monitoring with Quick Polls

Want to zoom in on the impact of one-off activities or unforeseen crises? We’ve got you covered. Track sudden events and campaigns, monitor their impact, and inform an immediate response.

0 M+

Interviews conducted so far, with thousands added every day

0 +

Companies monitored worldwide, including largest players across all sectors

0 +

Countries in which we track perceptions of different companies and industries

How does Caliber compare to other Reputation Management Solutions?


Social Media Listening

Caliber Real-Time Tracker

Traditional Market Research

Deep-dive quarterly and/or annual reports with expert commentary
Access to multiple stakeholder groups (talent, customers, opinion leaders etc.)​
Real-time data on what people think about your brand and company
Benchmark against global sectors, indices and competitors to put your business in context
Option to combine media and perception data to track the impact of activities
Receive instant alerts of significant changes in your reputation score
Keep the finger on the pulse anywhere in theworld and start tracking new markets in minutes
Ability to boost sample and run quick polls to get immediate feedback post-crisis or event

Smart stakeholder intelligence platform for decision-makers

Get real-time visibility into how your business is perceived and use the data to build better communication strategies.

A powerful reputation monitoring model built by Caliber

Our research model is based on extensive research and explains the journey from stakeholder interaction to business impact – comprising elements such as awareness, rational perceptions, trust and supportive behavior.

Information and Experience












Trust & Like











Uncover the opinions of all the people that matter - not just those who are vocal online

Digital questionnaire

Our reputation monitoring platform surveys millions of people, worldwide, via an online questionnaire. It then collects responses relating to key perceptions based on your selected benchmarks.

Data analysis

Results are instantly analyzed using a smart algorithm that produces easy-to-understand metrics, which are displayed in an online dashboard.

Ongoing reputation monitoring

View how scores develop in real time as a result of the actions taken by the company or its competitors, or as a reaction to external events that influence the company or its industry.

See what our clients have accomplished with Caliber


We use online market research panels provided by our research partners worldwide, where people pre-subscribe to receive surveys.

From this pool of potential respondents, we select those with the right demographic background who have not participated in any recent brand and reputation studies.

Respondents that are sufficiently familiar with the companies being rated are allowed to participate in our survey and are rewarded with points that can later be exchanged for goods and services as part of the ongoing panel program managed by our research partners.

We only cooperate with the largest and most well-known panel providers that meet all ESOMAR standards.

The price of an annual subscription to the Caliber platform starts at €8000€ (or $8,700) and varies depending on how many companies are monitored and their familiarity levels, the volume of weekly interviews, how many countries are included in the monitoring package, and the level of reporting and advisory services desired. This means that the more benchmarks and countries you want to include in the monitoring package, the pricier it would be. Speak to us about your specific needs to get a more accurate quote – our pricing structure is flexible, transparent and modular, which gives you full control of the overall price based on the specifications and components you choose.

All organizations with a national familiarity level of 3% and above can be measured. Low-familiarity companies tend to be measured at a lower weekly sample, providing less frequent statistical validity. High-familiarity companies are typically recommended a tracking setup with a higher weekly sample of respondents to provide more frequent statistical validity, and the ability to segment results on a frequent basis.

Sample sizes can be boosted on demand within hours in order to monitor a specific issue with greater frequency and higher statistical validity (e.g. when launching a campaign).

In each market, Caliber monitors a number of companies on a regular basis, outside of its monitoring of clients and subscribers and their respective benchmarks. The results of this syndicated tracking are made available to our clients on the dashboard free of charge on a global-sector or national-index basis.

The companies are selected based on their size and inclusion in a country’s stock market index when it comes to the national-index monitoring, or their market share when it comes to the global-sector monitoring. The company lists for syndicated tracking are validated and adjusted on a regular basis.

Yes. We know that respondents have a higher chance of recognizing an organization correctly when seeing its logo rather than its name alone.

We therefore show both logos and names in the questionnaire, consequently increasing the likelihood of respondents being familiar with the organizations they are asked to rate. This reduces the risk of misinterpretations and raises the quality of the collected data.

Yes, we have an API interface built into the brand and reputation platform. Our clients and subscribers can receive a live data feed, store it in their own databases and visualize it through their own internal dashboards or Business Intelligence tools.

Since our platform consists of our own proprietary survey, analytics, and visualization software – it is fully flexible and can be customized to a company’s specific needs in terms of the questionnaire used, resulting metrics, target audience and stakeholder segments, functionalities, interface and visualization. Such customization work is scoped and priced on a case-by-case basis.

Caliber’s platform typically monitors perceptions among the informed general public, and more specific target groups are then identified as sub-groups based on their socio-demographic or professional profiles, or based on custom relevant segmentation criteria agreed with the client.

We also target specialized and hard-to-reach stakeholder groups on demand, either through specialized panels or by adding our clients’ own stakeholder lists to the pool of respondents.

The results gathered through Caliber’s platform are based on a demographically representative sample of the target audience, and respondents need to be sufficiently familiar with the company that they rate.

We do not apply any filters, weights, adjustment factors or other manipulation to the data we collect, so as to avoid harming the data’s integrity. Data is typically collected on a 1-7 Likert scale and is then re-scaled to a 0-100 range for easier comparability. This creates metrics that are clear, transparent and representative of the target audience.

More advanced analytics are conducted periodically, for example to identify drivers and correlations.

Data quality is a product of several factors, such as sample size (number of interviews), panel quality, respondent recruitment and selection process, questionnaire length and structure, formulation of specific questions, online questionnaire interface (user-friendliness) and timing.

Caliber’s rigorous quality assurance process considers all these factors to provide our clients with valid data that helps them make informed decisions. The results gathered via the corporate reputation platform are constantly validated with available empirical evidence and clients’ own studies.

A growing share of online surveys are accessed through mobile devices these days, making this an important question.

Our platform includes our own proprietary questionnaire module that is fully mobile-friendly. In addition, the questionnaire itself is structured in a way that makes it easy (and fun) to fill out using a mobile phone.

This allows us to reach certain stakeholder groups – such as young people, professionals, respondents without an office, and others – that would otherwise be hard to engage in a survey.

Yes, the Caliber platform presents a flexible interface that can visualize other data sources, such as results from other information providers (e.g. media coverage, online sentiment, customer satisfaction etc.) or clients’ own studies.

This enables users to access multiple data in one integrated dashboard giving a better overview, saving time, and increasing actionability.

Take your corporate communication strategy to the next level