JUST OUT: Telecoms – Global Reputation Report 2024 – download it here

Global Reputation Rankings

Developed by Caliber, the Global Reputation Rankings are grounded in Trust & Like Score — a direct measure of a company’s brand strength and public image, serving as a pivotal indicator of corporate reputation.


There’s clear evidence linking these scores to stakeholder behavior, making them an essential barometer for companies aiming to understand and improve their communications and stakeholder relations.

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Interviews conducted so far, with thousands added every day

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Companies monitored worldwide, including largest players across all sectors

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Countries in which we track perceptions of different companies and industries

About Caliber's Global Reputation Rankings

Accurate and Representative

Caliber’s Reputation Rankings benefit from ongoing data collection throughout the year, ensuring accurate and up-to-date assessments of over 2000 leading companies listed in major stock indices.

Real-Time Tracking

Our Trust & Like Score (TLS) ranking system tracks weekly changes against macro occurrences, providing a real-time reflection of public sentiment and the impact of events on corporate reputation.

Nuanced Insights

 Caliber’s Reputation Rankings offer a nuanced understanding of reputation trajectory over time, enabling businesses to make informed decisions in today’s rapidly evolving landscape.

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