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Download the Global Financial Industry reputation report

What will you learn in the report?


  • Why the affection and trust among general public is low towards the financial institutions?
  • Which global financial companies are the most trusted and liked by their stakeholders, and which – the least?
  • What advantage does FinTech sector holds against banks and insurance companies?
  • What are the most important issues for financial companies to address? Top 3 Issues by Country.
This report is based on the insights gathered in 2021 from interviews conducted in Brazil, China, France, Germany, Japan, UK and USA. The data is based on approximately 33,000 evaluations from interviews with more than 6,500 people.
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It has been almost two years since we last published an extensive report on the reputation of the global financial sector. Many things have happened since then: wars started and ended, political leaderships changed in some of the world’s biggest economies, and, last but not least, a pandemic took the world by storm.

Learn more about how the “bad boy” of the reputational class continues its rehabilitation.

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